Variations ordinaires


If one means by political «the sharing of the tangible» with which one reconfigures the world, establishes the visible and the invisible, deconstructs spaces and identities... sometimes, but not often, this can blend/join/be assimilated with the poetic act.

This occurs exclusively through the creative process, when an infinite and perhaps utopian gesture is launched with all possible consciousness into the universe of signs.
Anna Marziano’s practice intends to examine the issues that concern the construction of contemporary identity, through a film process which questions subjectivity and social roles, multiple singularities and hidden nuances.
In a constant work in progress that shakes up form and content, Anna Marziano questions the being in the making. It is no coincidence if the expressions «mutability» and «variation» are often found in the titles of her works.
Transformation determines the meaning of being in the world, in social life and the relationship with otherness. Fitting perfectly within the framework of this meta-identity paradigm is the idea that inspires the artist’s new installation « Variations ordinaires », around subjective identity as singularly plural and plurally singular, as a declination of the singular plural being.
Nevertheless the film De la mutabilité de toute chose et de la possibilité d’en changer certaines (2011) questions the Self embodied in the changing reality. Here the inevitable change between nature and culture is revealed.
The question tackled by Anna Marziano concerning the precarious conditions in which people live after the L’Aquila earthquake, confirms the deterioration which characterises the social, cultural, economic and natural fragility of existence... As well as the infinity of the singular, plural being.
«Art always has to do with cosmogony, but it exposes cosmogony for what it is: necessarily plural, diffracted, discreet, a touch of colour or tone, an agile turn of phrase or folded mass, a radiance, a scent, a song, or a suspended movement, exactly because it is the birth of a world (and not the construction of a system). A world is always as many worlds as it takes to make a world».1
_ Teresa Macrì, Rome, Mars 2012
1 J-L. Nancy, « De l’être singulier pluriel », Être singulier pluriel, Galilée, Paris, 1996 Translated by Robert D. Richardson and Anne E. O’Byrne


David Rokeby, Eric Prigent, Sébastien Cabour, Pierre Mercier, Arnaud Laporte, Madeleine Van Doren, Daniel Dobbels, Pascale Pronnier, Thierry Maes, Blandine Tourneux, Cyprien Quairiat, Francis Bras, Florent Le Duc, David Chantreau, Jean-René Lorand, Marc Saison, Vincent Kalb, Richard Campagne, François Bedhomme, Pierre Delattre, Michèle Vibert, Christelle Dhiver, Jacky Lautem, Sylvie Presa, Aurélie Valentin, Aline Capelle, Fabrizio Ferraro, Valérie Delhaye, Véronique Malé, Georges Wlodarczak, Michèle Sabatier, Laure Delmée, Louise Calon, Jérémy Deseure, Ellie Lanning, Tom Gurney, Tony Griffit, Dahbia Khelifi, Patrick Brasseur, Merouan Talbi, Céline Verdier, Maya Da-Rin, Joao Vieira Torres, Aurélie Kunert, Bakary Diallo, Gregory Buchert, Vincent Ciciliato, Armand Morin, Alexandre Maubert, Armin Dierolf, Lori Ghita Guido and Gabriele Marziano. Jardin de Travers, Comité de quartier de l’Epeule, Piscine Thalassa,Théâtre Tous Azimuts, Médiathèque de la Ville de Roubaix, Centre Hospitalier de Roubaix, Lycée Jean Moulin, Maison de Retraite Korian L’âge d’or (Roubaix), Centre Social Basse Masure, Centre Social de l’Alma, Centre Social Moulin Potennerie, Association Echo, ARA – Autour des rythmes actuels, Copimage, bar aLive, bar L’Italiano (Roubaix). Lycée Gambetta (Tourcoing). Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé aux enregistrements

Note technique: 
Montage son : Yann Leguay Programmeur : Baptiste De Lagorce Web design & développement : Jérôme Pidoux et Maxime Gravouil Programmation informatique Nanosight : Phil Nelson Recherche scientifique Nanosight : Agnieszka Siupa Etalonnage : Pauline Piris-Nury Chargée de production : Estelle Benazet
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